How To Help:
Click here to help offset McKenna’s medical costs by making an online donation direct to The Huntley Family. This donation is not tax deductible as it does not go through Steps Together.
Join McKenna Strong on Facebook to show your love and support.
Click here to make a tax deductible donation to Steps Together. Steps Together is a Hillsborough based 501(c)(3) organization that assists families in our community facing a medical crisis for a maximum duration of 24 months.
This part of the website will be updated when Steps Together learns of specific ways to support their family as in meal chains, fundraisers, etc.
McKenna’s Story:
On July 9, 2019 we received devastating news that our 6 year old little girl had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Starting the end of June we noticed McKenna was not acting herself. She was extremely pale, not eating and very lethargic. We both thought that she was just severely anemic. We made an appointment at our Pediatrician’s office, where he almost immediately sent us to RWJUH New Brunswick. Upon arriving they started McKenna on fluids, did blood work as well as a few other tests. The attending physician came in when she received the results and told us “worst case scenario” she has Leukemia. We thought there’s no way, up until June she was a very healthy, energetic 6 year old. They admitted us for further testing and once they brought us upstairs, the Hematologist/Oncologist asked to speak with us and that is when we knew- our worst nightmare was about to come true. Since being diagnosed McKenna has had a procedure to have a port placed in her chest and several rounds of chemo. She has been handling this “new life” very well. She is responding to the chemo with very little to no side effects. Although things are okay right now, she still has a long road ahead of her.
Since being diagnosed McKenna has had 2 medi-port placements and countless rounds of chemo. McKenna is about to start her final phase of treatment that will go until she is 2 years in remission. While she is doing well, she still has a long year ahead of her. We are very thankful for all the love and support we have received. We cannot begin to thank each and every one of you!