Pay it forward.

Donations made here will go to the Steps Together fund and will be used to provide assistance to the families that we support.   Donations made here are tax deductible.

97% (3% credit card/paypal fee applied to online transactions) of your donation will go directly to helping families in our community.

Should you wish to mail a donation, all payments should be made to Steps Together and mailed to Steps Together, PO BOX 5773, Hillsborough, NJ 08844.

Need a gift for that someone who has everything? Wish to acknowledge a celebratory or difficult time in a friend’s life? Want to say thank you and give a gift that matters? Steps Together now offers that opportunity. Please include the name and address of the gift honoree in the notes of your online or mailed donation. Steps Together will send you a tax receipt and an acknowledgement card to the gift recipient.
