Not everyone has the ability to donate money to our cause so we provide a number of opportunities for people to help beyond monetary contributions. Sharing our message on social media, attending our events, joining our teams and individual fundraising ideas are all welcome ways to be a part of Steps Together. Some examples from 2015 include $7,500 dollars raised by individuals who created Razoo fundraising pages to take Steps Together into their own personal networks, and a young Girl Scout named Julia who raised $20 with a lemonade stand on a hot summer day. Our organization is made up of caring people who help in anyway they can and it makes an impact on our beneciaries.
1. Stay in touch.
Join our mailing list
Follow on Facebook
Follow on Instagram
2. Share about Steps Together.
Invite your friends to visit our website.
Post about Steps Together in your social media outlets
3. Attend our events!
4. Complete our Application for Fund Raising Events to host your own event.
5. Create a fundraising page for your event on Facebook.
6. Celebrate your birthday or anniversary with Steps Together. In lieu of gifts ask for donations to Steps Together. This is also a great idea for those who receive gifts around the holidays.
7. Ensure all your online shopping and web searching benefits Steps Together.
8. Click here to make a tax deductible donation to Steps Together.
9. Check out our Quick Idea List for fundraising.