Madeline Holloway, Port Murray
How To Help:
This part of the website will be updated when Steps Together learns of specific ways to support the Holloway Family. At this time, we are not aware of any direct fundraising campaigns or events.
Click here to make a tax deductible donation to Steps Together. Steps Together is a Hillsborough based 501(c)(3) organization that assists families in our community facing a medical crisis for a maxium duration of 24 months.
Madeline’s Story:
Madeline was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (initially doctors believed it to be Ewing’s sarcoma, prior to biopsy results) on April 22, 2019.
The tumor is large and wrapped around the left side of her pelvis. This has caused her an immense amount of pain and she has been confined to a recliner and must be transported via wheelchair.
The doctors estimate she’ll need a year of chemotherapy, orthopedic surgery and possibly a partial pelvis transplant.
Madeline is 12 years old. She started her first round of chemo (Doxorubicin) at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC on May 1st. Due to some side effects she was given Methotrexate treatments, and returned to Doxorubicin treatment mid-June. Her family is praying it goes smoother than the first time.
After this, Maddy will get another MRI and will be seeing the Orthopedic Oncologist/Surgeon, regarding next steps.
“We’ve just basically been holding on as tight as possible on this roller coaster.”
Steps Together is helping to offset their medical bills – which have come in the form of doctor bills, the need purchase of medical equipment for home and the costs that come with traveling into the city. Steps Together is also hoping to spread Maddy’s prayer chain wide and far.