As I am particularly sensitive to our national need to take care of each other these days, I am offering this holiday suggestion.I am going to post every piece in my inventory until January 20th in a category: A: $25-50. B: $51-75. C: $76-100.

I will determine the category of each piece by my purchase costs of the stone(s), findings, and presentation necessities, only. You will determine its value in your donation to Steps Together. I will not factor in my own time as I am blessed to have it to offer.

Should you fancy a piece as a gift or personal ownership, just let me know. And, if it is still available, that you are sending a check for X amount for Piece #.... to: Steps Together at PO Box 5773, Hillsborough, NJ. and I will package and send it according to your directions.

And, yes, we will trust each other in this. It’s what Stronger Together Steps Together do! - Jane Benner

To see and shop Jane’s work, please follow her on Facebook at
