Steps Together is a Hillsborough based 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to inspiring our community to pay their blessings forward and support local families facing a medical crisis.

Formed in 2013, the incredible support of the community has allowed Steps Together to assist more families, provide them with greater financial relief and bring awareness to the conditions that impact them. Grants provided by Steps Together range from one-time assistance to ongoing support for a maximum duration of 24 months.


What We Do

Steps Together buys dinner for a family who can’t find the energy to cook, helps pay the bills when a parent can no longer maintain their job, helps cover the costs of treatments and prescriptions not covered by insurance or simply buys a set of legos to make a hospital stay easier.

We bring the community together to ensure the families know they are not alone. We share their stories and needs in our community by creating pages for each family on our website. This site is then used to centralize the fundraising efforts around them to create a one-stop shop for anyone to help.

We also provide assistance in other ways by sharing tools and resources used by families facing a medical crisis.



Imagine going through a difficult time in your life and being overwhelmed by circumstances that are out of your control. Imagine an emergency that becomes a way of life. Imagine a journey that you choose to face with courage, even though the fear of uncertainty could bring you to your knees. Imagine having to be strong for someone other than yourself and feeling like you don’t have what it takes to do that. Imagine having to be strong for yourself and there is nothing left to give. Imagine a life that is going along pretty normal and then changes in the blink of an eye.

Now imagine there is a community willing to help you and a way to navigate all the aspects of dealing with the unimaginable. Someone decided to take an unimaginable experience of their own, and pay their blessings forward and encourage their community to join them.

Imagine a community that embraces you, loves you, prays with and for you, celebrates with you, grieves with you, worries with you, encourages you, listens to you, comes together for you, just plain cares and loves you.

This is Steps Together…    (Written by Rosalia Viana)


Our Community Partners

Committed to sharing the mission of Steps Together in their networks and making a significant contribution to our mission.

$1000 direct contribution to Steps Together on closed mortgages.

$1000 direct contribution to Steps Together on closed mortgages.

Organizers of Renaissance Runs The Runway, an annual fashion show and basket raffle!

Organizers of Renaissance Runs The Runway, an annual fashion show and basket raffle!

Proud host of the annual Turkey Bowl!

$500 direct contribution to Steps Together on all closings referred through Steps Together.

$500 direct contribution to Steps Together on all closings referred through Steps Together.

Organizers of the Fairways For Airways Golf Benefit!

Organizers of the Fairways For Airways Golf Benefit!